To Get Dressed or Not to Get Dressed

You ever have those days when you just can’t even do it? You just can’t bring yourself to get dressed and face the day? This is one of those days! It doesn’t help that the weather has been so bad over this last week! I know we could use the rain, but man, enough is enough! Go rain over California! They definitely need it, with all the wildfires they are having! I know I won’t melt when I go out in it, but it does mess the hair and then your clothes are all sticking to you because they are wet. Face it, that only looks good on a 20 something firm body! I am a GLAMma, but I haven’t had that kind of body in 24 years!! Make it 25, I carried that first child for 9 months!

But I do have to say, when I look at pictures from my Facebook friends, those I have met and not met, Grandparents today don’t look like the grandparents we grew up with! It seems to me that we are, on a whole, looking younger and younger! I remember my grandma was always “grandmotherly” looking. Today, not so much! I think grandparents today are more active than our grandparents were. We are still working, still exercising (okay, not ME, but I never did like exercise, to begin with) and still going out and having fun. I see all these posts of grandparents right out there with their grandkids, playing just as hard as the kids are. I read somewhere that 60 is the new 40, so I guess that makes the 50’s the new 30’s. I can live with that! I don’t want to do the 20’s again, but I can definitely live with the 30’s again! Not that I would change anything major, but I would love the time of when I children were little again! But, that’s what being a grandparent is all about, isn’t it? Re-living when our kids were little with their minis! Six more months until my daughter’s mini gets here. Countdown continues!